Rosen Ivanov: European Donation Day is Our Day to Give Thanks to Donors’ Families
“The European Day for Organ Donation is our thanksgiving day – the day to give thanks to the families of organ donors. For their humanity and care, despite the devastating and sensitive time when they have to make their decision, donating not merely an organ, but the gift of life. And life is what matters the most to every one of us.” This is how Rosen Ivanov, executive director of the Executive Agency “Medical Supervision” addressed the guests and donors’ families during the formal celebration of the European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation in the Military Medical Academy today.
Among the official guests was Dr. Boyko Penkov who put one of the leaves symbolising homage and gratitude for donors on the Tree of Life created to commemorate organ donors. This year the Tree grew by three more names – the names of three people who gave others a chance to live in 2019.
23 years ago, the Council of Europe and its 47 member states instituted the European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation in Geneva. Since then, the day has been celebrated every year on the second Saturday in October in a different country. The Day provides an opportunity to honour all organ donors and their families, as well as extend thanks to transplant specialists from all over Europe.
Traditionally, the Military Medical Academy uses this day to express its appreciation and gratitude to donors’ families and all teams involved in the transplantation process.
You can find pictures from the event in honour of the European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation at the Military Medical Academy in our gallery.