Nearly 40 people – transplanted patients and like-minded people of the cause in support of donation participated in the Mountain Ultramarathon and Cycling‚ Vitosha 100 km
Nearly 40 people – transplanted patients, doctors, donor coordinators, representatives of patient organizations and the Executive Agency “Medical Supervision” (EAMS) have participated in the Mountain Ultramarathon and Cycling ‚Vitosha 100 km‘. They expressed their solidarity and support to bulgarian citizens waiting for transplantation.
To date, 1041 Bulgarians are waiting for an organ transplant (926 for kidney, 41 for liver, 44 for heart, 20 for lung, 9 for pancreas and 1 for small bowel). This year, 22 Bulgarian citizens (16 from deceased donors and 6 from living donor) have received a chance of a new life thanks to an organ transplant. 337 Bulgarians have received a full life thanks to a tissue cell transplant.
Through organ donation, one donor can save up to 8 people and give the chance to save and improve up to 100 lives by donating tissues, explained representatives of the Executive Agency “Medical Supervision” at today’s marathon. EAMN expresses gratitude to the organizers of the Utramarathon “Vitosha 100 km” for the assistance and support provided in the conduct of the sports initiative. You can see photos from the event in our gallery here: