Two Men Get New Lease of Life Thanks to Organ Donation
Two man received a new lease of life after successful transplantations performed yesterday in the University Multi-Profile Hospital for Active Treatment Aleksandrovska and the Military Medical Academy, Sofia. The doctors at the Military Medical Academy performed liver transplantation on a 46-year-old man from Stara Zagora with end-stage liver disease, and UMPHAT Aleksandrovska’s transplant surgeons transplanted a kidney into a 31-year-old man from Montana.
These transplantations were made possible thanks to a 57-year-old woman’s family’s decision to donate her organs after she was declared brain dead. The donation, 15th this year, was completed by professor Viliyan Platikanov’s team at the University Multi-Profile Hospital for Active Treatment Sveta Marina in Varna.
Counting the latest two transplantation, a total of 43 people have been transplanted and thus saved so far this year; 34 of them are Bulgarian citizens.
The Executive Agency “Medical Supervision” team, which organised and coordinated the donation, would like to offer our condolences to the donor’s family and thank them for their decision to save the lives of strange patients.
We would also like to extend special thanks to the teams of UMPHAT Sveta Marina in Varna, the Varna Emergency Medical Service, UMPHAT Aleksandrovska in Sofia, Military Medical Academy in Sofia and the Bulgarian Air Force, Ministry of Defence.